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Journal and In-house Publications

We publish biannual refereed research journal AIMT Journal of Management‘ (ISSN:2277-4076). It has established itself as nationwide presence through journal exchange programme with leading national refereed journals (being published in different parts of the country like, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Trivandrum, Bhubneshwar etc.) alongside this journal being subscribed from few leading management Institutes of India. Three volumes are already published. The journal contain papers from areas such as finance, accounting, human resource management, marketing operations, information technology, environment, economics, risk management, AIMT Journal of Management endeavors to promote and disseminate knowledge in the complex multidisciplinary management field. The journal encourages theoretical and empirical research papers and articles of relevance to both academicians and practitioners. In addition, the journal invites manuscripts covering application of theory to real life management activities, where the findings would be of interest to researchers, executives, academicians and management students.

AIMT Journal/ Newsletter

Journals Detail


This is an in house newsletter published quarterly. Editorial board consists of one Faculty and Four students. The purpose of newsletter is to update and record all the activities happening in AIMT. It covers academic, co- curricular and extracurricular. Once published it is circulated internally to students and faculty, Delhi HQ, Alumni and nearby Institutes. It also features Alumni Interview and Parents’ speak which further make it interesting.

Magazine Detail

This is AIMT magazine named Manthan published half yearly. Manthan showcases the creative bent of mind of students and faculty both. Its editorial board consists of one faculty and three students. The team decides theme, ask for contribution from all the members of AIMT, articles are collected and compiled. It a unique combination of messages, puzzles, riddles, poems, thought provoking articles composed and written by AIMT fraternity.

Call for Papers

AIMT Journal of Management (ISSN:2277-4076) is a referred annual journal published by Army Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi). The journal contains papers from all areas of management such as finance, accounting, human resource management, marketing operations, information technology, environment, economics, risk management, globalization etc. with an emphasis of providing managerial insight over ongoing and strategic issues. The Journal believes that both researchers and practitioners can contribute by translating understanding into action, by linking theory and practice. This would enhance the relevance and thought in various related fields taking us a little outside traditional fields of management, such as sustainable development.

AIMT Journal of Management is a peer-reviewed journal and follows a ‘double blind’ review process. All submitted papers go through a preliminary review at the editorial desk and those considered appropriate are sent to reviewers.

To this end, AIMT Journal of Management invites manuscripts that provide novel managerial insights in any of the core business functions. The manuscript should be rigorous, that is, the findings should be supported by either empirical data or a well-defined theoretical model, and well written. Author(s) guidelines are mentioned below.

Author’s guidelines

    • • The manuscripts should normally be of 15 typed pages including figures and tables, typed in double-space or printed in 12-point font on 8.5″ X 11″ (A-4) size papers with 1.5 inch margin on all four sides.
    • • The cover page should contain title of the paper, author’s name, designation, official address, contact address, phone/fax numbers and e-mail address only.
    • • Author’s name shall not be mentioned anywhere else in the manuscript. Also, a non-mathematical abstract of about 150 words should be submitted along with the manuscript.
    • • The manuscript should not contain footnotes.
    • • References should be placed at the end of the manuscript in APA style.
    • • The list should mention only those sources cited in the text of the manuscript that they have not duplicated an article already published or accepted.
    • • Authors should also certify on the cover page of the manuscript that the material is not published, copyrighted, accepted or under review elsewhere.
    • • Authors using questionnaires should include a copy of the questionnaire along with the manuscript.
    • • The manuscript should be accompanied by the copyright declaration by the author. Online submission can be made on e-mail id:
    • • All queries regarding papers and the journal may also be directed to the Editor.
    • • The last date of submission of research papers/case study for the next issue (Vol. 4) is 15 November, 2016
      Looking forward to your valuable contribution in upcoming journal.

Note: Copyright of all accepted papers for publication and use in any form/format/way , i.e. ,in text , image , other electronic format or other such formats or on such other media as may now exist or may hereafter be discovered , will vest with AIMT. AIMT is also authorized to market the contents of the journal to end-users through re-license or sale of information products using the media of CD-ROM , tape , on-line hosts, internet services and other electronic or optical media or formats now known or hereafter discovered.

    • Editorial team
    • AIMT Journal of Management
    • Army Institute of Management and Technology
    • Plot No. M-1, Pocket-P5,
    • Greater Noida, Dist. G .B. Nagar, (U.P) –201308 INDIA.
    • Ph. 0120-2329531